Activity area(s)
Selected pathology of interest: Lung diseases (lung cancer, COPD and PID) and Head and Neck diseases (including non tumoral and tumoral thyroid diseases).
More than 5000 patients are not included in the database (with both biological and clinical annotations, including the follow up of patients). All samples are associated with a signed informed consent and the hazard status (HIV, HpC and HpB serology). Both biological fluids and tissues (frozen and fixed) samples are available for the different cohort of patients.
The biobank06 established strong scientific collaborations with most of the academic teams of the FHU OncoAge and private partners (Astellas, Jpn; Roche USA; Myriad, USA; Sanofi, Fr; Debiopharm Swz; Genentech USA; Servier Oncology; Fr, Pierre Fabre Fr)
The Nice Biobank is member of the Cancéropôle PACA Regional Biobank, of the National infrastructure Biobank, of the BBMRI, of the ESSB and of the BRIF group.
The biobank06 is strongly involved in the WP7 (private-public partnership development) and in the WP5 (IT technology) of the National Infrastructure Biobank.
Paul Hofman is the French delegate in the BBMRI consortium. The biobank is certified according the S96-900 norm since 2009 and is accredited according the ISO 15189 norm for frozen and fixed tissue samples coming from the heath care domain taking part of the Laboratory of Clinical and Experimental Pathology.
The Nice Biobank works as a biorepository and also as an expert center for a couple of selected pathologies (more specifically, lung and head and neck diseases)
- Paul Hofman
Type of structure
- Nice Hospital and Comprehensive Cancer Center CAL
Recognition by
- Inserm-French Biobank Infrastructure and BBMRI, Cancéropôle PACA, IBiSA, and BBMRI
- Pasteur Hospital Pavillon J 30 avenue de la voie romaine
Contact name
- Paul Hofman
Contact mail
- Hofman.p@chu-nice.fr
- www.biobank06.com,www.biobank-paca.com
Skills of the team members
- Hofman Paul
- Hofman Véronique
- Selva Eric
- Tanga Virginie
- Maitre Prisicilla
- Bonnetaud Christelle
- Allegra Maryline
- Felix Jean Marc
- Washetine Kevin
- Lerda Nathalie
- MD, PhD, HDR
- MD, PhD
- Technician
- MSc, Technician
- Technician
- Bioinformatician
- PhD, Ingenior
- Data manager
- Ingenior (QC/QA)
- Secretariat Biobank
Five top/relevant papers in the last five years related to the platform activity
Clément B, Yuille M, Zaltoukal K, Wichmann HE, Anton G, Parodi B, Kozera L, Bréchot C, Hofman P, Dagher G; EU-US Expert Group on cost recovery in biobanks. Public biobanks: calculation and recovery of costs. Sci Transl Med. 2014 Nov 5;6(261):261fs45
Hofman P, Bréchot C, Zatloukal K, Dagher G, Clément B. Public-private relationships in biobanking: a still underestimated key component of open innovation. Virchows Arch. 2014 Jan;464(1):3-9
Hofman V, Ilie M, Long E, Washetine K, Chabannon C, Figarella-Branger D, Clément B, Mabile L, Cambon-Thomsen A, Boucher P, Dagher G, Hewitt R, Parodi B, Hofman P. Measuring the contribution of tumor biobanks to research in oncology: surrogate indicators and bibliographic output. Biopreserv Biobank. 2013 Aug;11(4):235-44
Mabile L, Dalgleish R, Thorisson GA, Deschênes M, Hewitt R, Carpenter J, Bravo E, Filocamo M, Gourraud PA, Harris JR, Hofman P, Kauffmann F, Muñoz-Fernàndez MA, Pasterk M, Cambon-Thomsen A; BRIF working group. Quantifying the use of bioresources for promoting their sharing in scientific research. Gigascience. 2013 May 1;2(1):7
Cambon-Thomsen A, Thorisson GA, Mabile L; BRIF Workshop Group. Collaborators (34) Andrieu S, Bertier G, Boeckhout M, Cambon-Thomsen A, Carpenter J, Dagher G, Dalgleish R, Deschênes M, di Donato JH, Filocamo M, Goldberg M, Hewitt R, Hofman P, Kauffmann F, Leitsalu L, Lomba I, Mabel L, Melegh B, Metspalu A, Miranda L, Napolitani F, Oestergaard MZ, Parodi B, Pasterk M, Reiche A, Rial-Sebbag E, Rivalle G, Rochaix P, Susbielle G, Tarasova L, Thomsen M, Thorisson GA, Zawati MH, Zins M. The role of a bioresource research impact factor as an incentive to share human bioresources. Nat Genet. 2011 Jun;43(6):503-4